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EvaluAgent Wows Prospects and Customers with Interactive, Guided Product Tours

Customer Story

EvaluAgent Wows Prospects and Customers with Interactive, Guided Product Tours

EvaluAgent needed a better way to get their powerful Quality Assurance and Improvement Platform into the hands of prospects early in the sales funnel. With Reprise, they were able to build custom, interactive product tours that showcase the value of their solution, develop more educated prospects for their sales team, and enable customer adoption.

Use Cases
Enterprise Software



visits per month on interactive tours

Faster sales cycles

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The Problem

Conveying the full value of a powerful solution

EvaluAgent believes that every conversation counts. Their Quality Assurance and Improvement Platform, designed for fast-growing call centers, makes it easy for managers and frontline teams to identify development opportunities within their teams’ conversations and then use that data to drive performance improvements across their organizations. 

It’s a challenge that businesses across nearly every industry face, and EvaluAgent is in a position to help them all. From video game developers like Ubisoft to multinational electronics companies like Samsung, EvaluAgent works with organizations facing a variety of unique challenges.

But one of the difficulties of having a product that serves such a broad and diverse customer base is ensuring that it meets the needs of each unique use case. And with a product as powerful as EvaluAgent’s, that’s no small hurdle to clear. 

A large part of how we differentiate from our competitors is through how integrated and seamless our workflows are as you move between elements of the product. That’s something that’s beyond challenging to convey in static imagery or even words,” explained Head of Growth Matt Jones. 

The Solution

Interactive tours that generate more qualified, educated prospects

With Reprise, where you can very quickly build out a few screens and users themselves can click through a workflow and experience it for themselves without having to speak to a salesperson, it’s fundamentally different.”

Since becoming a Reprise customer, EvaluAgent has been using custom, guided Replays to educate prospects at the top of their sales funnel, drive prospect action in the middle of their funnel, and even influence customer adoption as new product features are released.

To educate prospects at the top of the funnel, EvaluAgent created a product tour experience center on their website. It’s a place where visitors can interact with the product through unique, self-guided product experiences that align with EvaluAgent’s mission to “make quality assurance and performance improvements more efficient, effective, and engaging.”

EvaluAgent has also incorporated their product tour experiences in lead nurture campaigns, prompting prospects to book demos once they’ve reached a certain point in their journey.

The Results

Better conversations and a shorter sales cycle

As a result, EvaluAgent’s sales team is having better conversations with more qualified prospects. They’ve also dramatically shortened their sales cycle. “[Prospects] are coming onto product demos a lot more informed around our product and what it can do,” Jones explained. “That means they’ve almost sold it to themselves before they’ve come onto our sales call … It allows us to progress to the next stage faster because they’ve already experienced part of the product.” 

“Being able to utilize a platform such as Reprise to allow prospects to experience our product firsthand is a real benefit,” he continued. 

Today, EvaluAgent is seeing strong engagement across their interactive tours, which are generating upwards of 400 visits per month in total. 

And since originally launching Reprise to support customer acquisition, they’ve also started leveraging it to keep their customers informed and engaged when new product features are released. 

“If we’re making a change to the user experience, we can actually show them what that user experience is going to feel and act like prior to them seeing the change in their account,” Jones explained. “And we use it to promote and encourage product adoption with that new feature.”

As for his advice to organizations looking to implement product-led growth strategies? 

Don’t wait.

“It feels like everyone is jumping on the product-led growth model, and now is the time to invest in Reprise,” Jones said. “We actually didn’t believe we had the capability or the internal resources to do it in-house. But through the discussions with Reprise and their professional services team, and with the ease of the platform itself, those things have made the investment successful and the implementation much, much easier than we expected.”

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