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I had an interesting conversation with a friend last week. He talked about how “nobody wants to deal with SMB customers, but we still want that SMB revenue.”

We had a good laugh about it. …but it is true, though.

SMB deals come with tougher buyers, higher churn risks, and require more (unpaid) support.

So how do you enable this transaction – the touchless SMB sale – when your product requires work to work? Work like: 

  • Onboarding, configuration, training, user adoption
  • Time and time before it’s adopted
  • Change management

How do you get leads to convert to customers, without having a human touch them?

Try a guided product tour on your website and end it with a shopping cart: homepage showing the Reprise Product Tour

Take a cue from our friends at – they’re inviting their prospects to try a free, guided tour of an existing Pendo sandbox, live on their website. This allows you to tour the software, without talking to sales AND without having to build out your own account. Simply trade your email address to get access to the tour; and then decide if you want to take the trial and build your own account, or decide you have questions and need a human being. Both CTAs are available after you finish the tour.

If you can get passive revenue from leads on your website that are “too small”, but they:

  • Shop on their own with no spend from you
  • Buy without a rep
  • Onboard with self-guided tutorials

Pay or quit, renew or churn.. you never touched it anyway, right? It’s all of the revenue with little to none of the work. 

Invest in customer-enabled buying motions like Reprise and try it out for yourself. 

Photo by Timothy Muza on Unsplash