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The Reprise Revenue Leadership Series Ep 01 | Rosalyn Santa Elena, Vice President, Global Revenue Operations at Neo4j

📺: In this episode, we interview one of the world’s leading sales technology experts, Rosalyn Santa Elena, Vice President, Global Revenue Operations at Neo4j (former Head of Revenue Operations at Clari).

Revenue operations isn’t really new – but it’s becoming more vital to the success of SaaS organizations. Sales, marketing, and CS really need to be aligned and can’t be siloed any longer, especially with the rise of the tech stack.

With buyers expecting that the buying process will be easy, and knowing a lot about the product before they even see a demo, the buying process has changed and revenue ops is here to catch the whole organization up. Companies are now looking at sellers as partners rather than vendors. And revenue ops is aligning people and processes to that all-important customer journey.

In this conversation, Rosalyn discusses the strategy behind the revenue operations role and how she’s thinking about the complete customer journey in the SaaS world.

📺 Watch Full Interview on YouTube

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— Company Overview

Neo4j is the leading graph database platform that drives innovation and competitive advantage at Airbus, Comcast, eBay, NASA, UBS, Walmart and more.

🏢 Company’s Website:

— The Reprise Revenue Leadership Series is focused on interviewing top revenue leaders within the technology space in order to share insights that help others win!

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