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Maximize Efficiency in Enterprise SaaS Sales: How Demo Automation Software Can Help

Team Reprise

Mark Zuckerberg recently declared that 2023 will be the “year of efficiency” for Meta. And many enterprise leaders are following suit, cutting back on expenses and your tech stack and generally doing some serious belt-tightening.

And that’s left enterprises wondering how to maximize the efficiency of their sales process. It’s exciting (and probably long overdue), but it also means rethinking the way you sell to today’s buyers.

Fortunately, a demo automation platform can help your sales organization make the buying process more efficient—and make your buyers more satisfied as well. Here’s what you need to know.

Shifting the Enterprise Sales Status Quo

Your enterprise SaaS company likely has an experienced sales team with a well-established sales playbook and plenty of sales tools. Maybe you’ve seen some new sales software options pop up to speed up the enterprise sales process, like in the demo automation space, and it sounds intriguing. But you’re unsure if these solutions will really make a significant difference in your existing sales process.

After all, you’ve got a whole sales engineering team that handles maintaining your demo environment, creating demos, and jumping on sales calls as needed. Why would you need software to do what your SEs already do so expertly?

But the benefits of demo automation software aren’t just for products that are easy to demo because they’re less complicated or have fewer security concern. It can revolutionize how your enterprise sales team works as well—here’s what you need to know.

Greater Stability in Live Demos 

Stability is essential in a demo call, and balancing that with the need to show prospects your actual product—not just a slide deck or a collection of screenshots.

A demo automation platform gives your sales team the confidence that each demo will go smoothly because you’re not subject to production downtime or something going awry in your demo environment.

If you use an advanced demo automation platform like Reprise, your reps can demo a code-level capture of your application to take prospects through your real product without introducing  changes or errors into your environment. They can refresh it with one click once the demo is over—it’s back to the same pristine state.

You can also use a demo automation platform to create guided demos your more junior reps can use on calls by themselves, because they come with built-in guardrails and don’t require technical knowledge to run.

In early-stage calls where buyers want to see the product (which, let’s be real, is almost all of them these days), you can give your BDRs a high-level interactive guided demo and let them introduce prospects to the biggest aha moments early on. That eases the demo demand bottleneck while still keeping demo quality high.

More Data Security

Data security is more essential for enterprise companies than ever, and a demo automation platform lets you reduce your risk of sensitive data leaks in two ways.

From the customer side, a demo automation platform allows you to run demos without the risk of showing actual customer data because you can customize the demo with any data you like, plus logos, industry specifics, and anything else you can imagine to tailor your demo.

From your company’s side, a demo automation platform reduces the risk of unauthorized access or disclosure as well (but only if you choose a platform that’s SOC 2® Type 2 certified, like Reprise).

Increase Efficiency Across Departments 

Adding one more piece of software to your already full tech stack might not seem very efficient, especially for something that’s seen as just a presales tool.

But the right demo automation platform can increase performance not just in sales and presales, but in marketing and product marketing as well. And it can help all of your departments align more closely and generate and share valuable prospect data.

Your sales engineering team can use demo software to reduce the time it takes to build demos, freeing them up to do more strategic work. And it can also enable your product marketing team to create their own demos on new features and launches without going to your engineers, unblocking your PMs and freeing up engineering resources there as well.

Marketing teams benefit from a demo automation platform as well—they use them to build beautiful interactive website demos and product tours to introduce prospects to your product before they ever talk to a salesperson.

And the efficiency goes beyond just building demos. The guided demos that live on your website, go to your champions, or are added to a post-sales email are a source of rich data and analytics your sales and marketing teams can use to enhance your pipeline and close deals.

Broad analytics like how often each demo is viewed feeds information to your marketing team so they can hone website demos to bring in the right prospects and product-qualified leads for your sales team.

But advanced platforms like Reprise also offer the ability to view analytics down to a single session, so you can see how a specific prospect interacted with a demo—where they spent time, what they focused on, and when they dropped off.

With advanced integrations, including a custom API endpoint, Reprise also allows you to gather and share data into the sales systems you’re already using such as Salesforce and Marketo. You get deeper data on prospect activity so your sales reps can tailor their next calls accordingly and close more deals.

Find out more about how Reprise can help your enterprise sales team operate more effectively and efficiently!

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